design future  
"VISIONES DEL DISE�O" aka � Design Future � - the installation which was designed for opening of Altamira, that is the seat of IED Madrid. This interactive installation collect the interviews of important world-wide designers, which were recorded via internet. The aim is to find a possible keys for "futuro del dise�o" of the international scene. The video wall which consist 100 exclusive videos by Antoni Muntadas, Ricardo Salas, Eva Lootz, Alberto Coraz�n, Manuel Estrada, Francisco Jarauta, Ezio Manzini, David Delf�n, Enrique Loewe, Paco Bascu��n� These videos are composed by 20 special visions of the design future.
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name Design Future
category Interactive video installation
year 2006
  design future   design future